Thursday 9 June 2011

Wednesday 8 June 2011

A gift from a higher power.....

Cups of tea and some biscuits. This is the way to end any night, and trust me, I do. Although, the time is now....23:56 and if i'm honest, i'm no where near going to bed, infact my night is only just beginning. This is the first thing that changes for me, whenever I come home, day becomes night, and night becomes day. I sleep all day and stay awake all night. Mostly Watching films. Tonight, I think i'll continue my love of Natalie Wood and watch "Splendour in the grass", beside it would be nice to see my ex again, a MR WARREN BEATTY.

The Beginning Of The End....

Here we go. Can you believe it? A whole year has come and gone, and it's finally summer time once again...

"Summer, Summer, Summertime. Time to sit back and unwind..." - What can I say, my mother has a thing for 90's RnB.

Summer. A word, one single word you either love or hate. I don't hate summer, in fact I'm really looking forward to what this year has in store, but if it matches last year then I might as well crawl back under the bed covers and just wake me up when september ends, aha see what I did there.

This is the situation....

No, not that situation! This situation...

I'm 20 years old, male and gay, the gay bit is important as this will probably bring it's issues to the table from time to time. I've just finished my second year of university, and I have travelled home for summer. At home I live with my mother and father, my older brother and my dog "Stanley"...

I also have an older sister but she lives in her own home, but still pops in from time to time.

I guess I'm doing this out of bordom more than anything else...I just hope this amounts to something, I'm not sure just yet what that will be, but I guess only time will tell.....

Now lets see what time has to tell. Let's begin!!!